Promotional Ideas

Promotional Ideas

Here are some ideas for promoting the Grand Canyon Reader Award books. I have gleaned these from other state awards sites.

Provide "I Voted Stickers"

Buddy and Bettina the Book Burros (see above)

"Pack a book" for a grand adventure!

"Burro your way into a good book."

"Burro into a good book."

Promotional Ideas Handout

* GCRA Breakfast or Lunch Club, offer periodic meals through the year and have notables come and read- public librarian, police, mayor, legislator or superintendent!

*Have an GCRA unveiling of the winner, with cookies, punch, (or an ice cream sundae bash or breakfast) and a decorated table with the unveiling at the appropriate time.

*GCRA Lunch Bunch, where kids come in and read while eating lunch.

*Create GCRA checks and have the students fill out the amount they believe the book to be worth. Have them write on the back of the check a justification for the amount.

*Have drawings for prizes for students that have read books.

*Have an GCRA parade.

* Take a blank map of Arizona and divide it into 8-10 sections (depending on which section of GCRA books you're reading) and the kids can color in a section when they read a book.

*Create voter registration cards.

*Do book talk announcements over the PA or on video.

*Advertise the books in school newsletters.

*Create GCRA commercials.

*Create a special art exhibit of student work with pictures about the books.

*Create a recognition to be placed on a student's desk when they've completed a book.

*Play GCRA Jeopardy.

*Create an artifact matching game.

*Create a Voting Day poster.

*Print GCRA voting stickers for the students to put on their shirt after voting.